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'HC Venkataramayya'- Funny But Good Trailer

By now you would have known the importance of cutting out a good trailer before your film releases because that sets the momentum and vibe among the audience. While some trailers give goosebump experience, few trailers make you grin with pleasure.

That happens with the fan made trailers. So, here is the reaction coming from those who have watched the fan made trailer of the new movie Head Constable Venkatramayya. This has People’s Star R Narayanamurthy in the title role while Sahaja Nati Jayasudha is the leading lady.

Those who saw the trailer state that it is funny but at the same time good. As always, the body language and expressions of Narayanamurthy were the highlight and given the fact that it was scooped with Chiranjeevi’s film dialogues, the fun was good. Click here in case you haven’t watched it yet-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6cy914S_0o

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