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Baahubali's Father Switched Off Phone?

Reading the headline might confuse you a bit as to what is this but then there is an element of truth to it. You may not know him well but in the first part of the magnum opus Baahubali a man was seen as father of Sivudu. His name is Venkat fondly called as Imax Venkat.
Apparently, he works with the Prasads Imax theatre and did the role of Mahendra Bahubali’s father who brings him up. Some are saying he switched off the phone and some say he is not responding to any calls right now. The reason being, the demand for tickets for Baahubali-The Conclusion.
Though he is in a top position and acted in the film, the pressure for tickets will not be ordinary so it is tough for Venkat to oblige. However, it is heard that the attempts to reach him and catch him directly at the theatres is also happening. For now, Baahubali’s father is not reachable.
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