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Vulgar Attacks On TV Anchor

With each passing day, the expanse and domination of electronic media have been influencing a big nation like India and it must be said that this is happening in a negative manner. The focus on sensationalism and making controversies out of small issues has spread a very negative flavor across the society influencing the minds.

But there are times when the media folks cross their line and retaliation happens. The noted anchor from TV5 Sambasiva Rao is currently facing some heat. Recently, he was interviewing actor Posani Krishnamurali when he came up with questions like ‘Cinema industry contains prostitutes’ “Bags of cash come to industry, it could be mafia money, aren’t their directors who do movies with that cash?”.

Posani gave a reply in his own style but keeping that aside, it is clear that Sambasiva Rao’s question was quite obscene and objectionable. Many cine celebrities are also blasting him and notable among them are Lakshmi Bhupal, Kalyan Ramana, and others. They are firing him with no limits barred.

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