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Kaushal Army Has Become Active Once Again

This year we have seen a new wave in terms of the popularity of a person who has contested in Telugu reality show BiggBoss. He is none other than Kaushal Manda. The mania he has created when the show had been aired is unprecedented. With his immense craze, he won the title of BiggBoss season 2.

The foundation for his success is his army popularly known as 'Kaushal Army'. 'Kaushal Army' is not only active in social media but their effectiveness is also seen in solidarity runs (2K Run) that were done in favour of Kaushal. With the completion of Season 2, slowly the Kaushal Army has vanished and can be seen nowhere. Recently, it seems they are showing their power in social media yet again.

Popular Telugu rapper and Biggboss season 2 contestant Roll Rida has released a rap song a few days back with title 'Raadhu' in which a lyrical line is there which is targeting Kaushal unintentionally. "Army Pettukuntey Doctorate Osthadha" - with this line many of the army members felt insulted and they bluntly disliked the video. This dislike number has surpassed the number of likes for the video.

This indicates Kaushal Army is silently watching everyone and they are showing their power in support of Kaushal. This is really good news for Kaushal Manda.


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