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Romantic Cinematographer Chota In Discussion

To those who are not part of the industry, here is an interesting tidbit. When shootings take place, there is a strong sense of seriousness on the sets leaving no room for fun or casual things. Yet, despite the presence of heated environments, there are those who believe in lightening up the atmosphere with their jovial presence.

Top in that list is the senior cinematographer Chota K Naidu. Now, there are also reports that Chota is not just a fun-loving and jovial person but also a very romantic person. Well, this happens to be the opinion coming from a few heroines. Apparently, Chota is said to be quite friendly and close to the starlets and makes them feel at ease.

Having said that, it is also heard when the ladies don’t show their professionalism and discipline during the shoot, Chota doesn’t spare them and takes them to the task. Despite his hard approach, his warm personality and his approachable nature are giving him the title of romantic cinematographer. Wonder what the senior technician has to say to this.

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