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George Reddy Losses Disturb All

There is always a fine line between setting expectations and actually meeting them. This is something the folks in the cinema industry are well aware of. In many instances, a film creates the right kind of hype and anticipation prior to release and once it hits the screens, the result and reactions are the total opposite.

That seems to be the case right now with the latest release ‘George Reddy’. The pre release promotions and the associated controversies that came with it set a good platform for the movie to perform. However, despite few positive responses, it appears the film has been unable to monetize at the box office failing to draw audience attention.

According to inside reports, the film was made at 8 crores along with 1.5 crores for promotion. As a result, the producers are set to lose 5 crores. Incidentally, whatever they made so far has been through satellite, digital rights and selling few territories but not really through the theatrical collections. This outcome has disturbed many in the Filmnagar circuit because ‘George Reddy’ was anticipated to become a good hit.

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