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Bigg Boss Episode 73 Highlights: House gets last captain

The episode started with Ashu writing 'Bindu is dead' on a plate. Bigg Boss asked Nataraj to trash the bathroom and blame it on someone. Nataraj does the same and blames it on Hamida. Bigg Boss asked Nataraj to create a fight between any two housemates. Anil writes 'Be Alert' on the wall. Nataraj tried to create a fight between Shiva and Bindu but failed. Bigg Boss gave him another chance to cut 1-inch hair of a housemate. Nataraj takes a hair strand from Akhil and cuts it.


Bigg Boss asked the housemates to say the killer's name. Mithra says it is Bindu. Ariyana says it is Akhil. Bindu says it is Ashu. Anil says it is Akhil. Hamida says it is Ashu. Ashu says it is Akhil. Shiva says it is Ashu. Baba Bhaskar says it is Anil. Nataraj says it is Baba Bhaskar and Akhil says it is Hamida. Bigg Boss reveals that Nataraj is the killer and he becomes the first captaincy contender. Nataraj explained how he killed 5 housemates. Nataraj, Bindu, Ashu, Mithra, and Baba Bhaskar are the captaincy contenders.


The task is like a jenga game where the contenders have to pluck a block and place it on the top. Nataraj makes a mistake twice but Ariyana accepts after taking the house call. Ashu gets out first followed by Bindu, Nataraj, and Mithra making Baba Bhaskar the new and last captain of the house. Ariyana cries and Ashu consoles her. Nataraj also cried and Akhil consoled him.

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