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Film Celebrities Chasing For TV

When you become a film celebrity, it is not like a daily office job. Film celebs getting work continuously is very difficult. Sometimes, there is a flood of offers and then there is a gap. Given that situation, movie people especially singers, lyricists, fight masters, choreographers have found another alternative.

They are looking at ways into TV through talent shows, game shows and other programs. Due to that, their popularity is increasing. They are also getting paid in good numbers so a fixed monthly income is streaming in for them now. Moreover, with TV channels becoming popular in the US, their branding and celebrity quotient has increased.

So, when the foreign associations such as NATS, TANA are having their events, the film people are being invited there because of their celebrity identity. That way, many celebs are keen to be seen in front of the camera than behind. With this, the popularity increases and proportionately the earnings. The situation today is such that some film celebs are also lobbying to be part of the small screen circuit. 

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