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Akhil Akkineni's DTE Behaviour

When you become a star you tend to carry your own share of airs and attitude after reaching a certain level of success. But when your son or daughter enters the cine fray they already carry a good share of head-weight. This is what many expected when they saw the arrival of a big film family’s kid.

He is none other than Akkineni Akhil and even before his debut flick is to arrive, declarations have been made that he is a born superstar. Usually, scions from star families mean interacting with regular people is extremely rare. However, what Akhil is doing has been catching many by surprise.

He is interacting with everyone in twitter and is willing to meet everyone even before his film arrives. At the same time, he is showing a lot of humility in his words and his down to earth behavior is flooring everyone. Let us wish he continues the same integrity and wins the hearts of all like his father and grandfather.

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