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Sukumar Brother's Son As Hero

Whenever someone among your near and dear is a celebrity then you automatically get a fair share of that attention and aura. This works more for those who wish to enter the film industry and have someone well known inside it. True to that, one aspiring hero is making his foray into Tollywood.

His name is Ashok and he is making his debut with the movie Control C which is coming with a tagline Software Horror. The film is directed by Sai Ram and Disha Pandey is the leading lady. Now, Ashok is no ordinary chap because his father happens to be the elder brother of logic director Sukumar.

Inside talk is that even Sukumar has shared his inputs on the script of the movie and this is going to be one of its kind movie in Tollywood. As the title indicates, the film is going to have a software backdrop and it remains to be seen whether Ashok will make Sukumar uncle a happy man or not. Best of luck to him!

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