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Only Film Office With Google Lifestyle

There is no doubt that the entertainment industry has become quite professional but it must be admitted that there is a long way to go for developing a corporate approach to the working conditions. However, there is one film office which is touted as a place with Google type of workstyle.

Apparently, Google employees have some amazing flexibilities in terms of dress code, relaxation, rejuvenation, food and other things. Similarly, the office of the eccentric genius Ram Gopal Varma is no different. He doesn’t care how people come whether it is with knickers, studs, tattoos on themselves.

You can do your workout, play and do your story and music sittings wherever you feel like. There is no particular time for break but at the end of the day, the given task should be completed in time and if you can do that, you can work at RGV’s office as if you are working in Google office. 

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