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Extra Dose Of Hot Scenes Coming Up

Whenever Friday arrives you gear up for watching movies in the theatres and you certainly have some idea of what is in store for you. Even the directors have a certain signature style of shaping their movies so there is a conventional approach to it.

But there are those rare exceptions who tend to jolt you with their intensity. In Tollywood, one such person is speed director Puri Jagannadh. He is known to come up with very intense characterizations and hard hitting approach to issues but this time he chose a different path.

In his new movie Rogue, Puri seems to have taken the glamour dose to an altogether new level. Recently the trailer was unveiled and many were sweating with the hot steamy clips. Buzz is that this is simply a taste of what is to come. You would be in for extra dose of hot scenes very soon in the next set of promos. Get set for this one folks!
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