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Dasari Narayana Rao- The Ambedkar Of Tollywood

Among the many reasons why Babasaheb Ambedkar is remembered, the most important is his fight to create reservations to the needy and downtrodden. Today, the fate and future of India is literally in the hands of these quotas and reservations.

Now, another man is being called as Ambedkar albeit of Tollywood. He is none other than the late Darsakaratna Dasari Narayana Rao. This title was indirectly attributed to him by People Star R Narayanamurthy during the recently held condolence meeting.

True to his words, Dasari is one man who has always fought for the rights of those artists, directors, technicians who were being trampled upon or were not given the right opportunity. It remains to be seen who can ever replace Dasari and revive that hope again.

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