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Keeravani's Fans Scratching Heads

One of the main reasons why you become a fan of a particular film personality is due to his/her mettle at a particular craft. When it comes to music, you know that every music director has a certain brand and level so he would not do anything below it. However, fans of melody king M M Keeravani are a little perplexed.

Apparently, Keeravani has composed the music for the controversial ‘God, Sex, and Truth’ featuring the porn star Mia Malkova and helmed by the eccentric genius Ram Gopal Varma. Recently the trailer was unveiled and those who saw the title credits were in for a shock. Well, music is by Keeravani so his fans are scratching their heads.

The only reason for that is “Why did he compose for something like this”. As such, Keeravani is not making the tiniest of noise about it but because he did this some are thinking it would have some positivity. They are expecting it would be something good. After looking at the visuals in the trailer it looks highly unlikely but let us wait for the actual video.

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