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Mahesh Kathi Vs Sri Reddy- Focus

You need to possess certain kind of credentials and track record to become famous in the entertainment industry but there are also those times when certain individuals step to fame through other means.  In the recent times, Tollywood has seen two such people. They are Mahesh Kathi and Sri Reddy.

Both are rocking in TV news channels from the last few months. Initially, it was Mahesh Kathi who created quite a havoc with his tirade against power star Pawan Kalyan and his fans. Eventually, that matter got sorted out overnight and he went silent after that. Of course, he has been tweeting some sensational stuff now and then.

Sri Reddy also is doing the same albeit mudslinging the entire industry alleging about casting couch and exploitation of women. She has been threatening that she will reveal all the names with evidence. We don’t know when she will reveal but she has been stretching it by saying she will let out the names soon. In the bargain, she has been getting enough mileage and attention.

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