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Is Portraying Prostitute A Sin?

The human psyche is such that once they start seeing a particular artiste onscreen in a set of roles, they form a strong image of that person in their heart and assume that person is like that in real life too. Well, this is a clear example of how foolish can people be. At the same time, there are also few oversmart folks.

 They strongly believe in using a particular character to their advantage and top in that list is few Youtube channels. It is known news that the producer of the movie ‘C/o Kancharapalem’ is Paruchuri Praveena and she happens to be a doctor living in the US. At the same time, she also did the role of a prostitute in the film.

 Now, few Youtube channels are coming up with videos with headlines linking Praveena’s name to a prostitute and then revealing the truth in the video. The objective is simple, to gain more views but in this process they are creating a very false image of Praveena. She has already expressed her disbelief on such cheap tactics and we stand by her.


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