Actors request fans to stop fighting with other fans

June 15, 2015
Actors request fans to stop fighting with other fans

There have been many reports recently that fans are fighting with other fans. There has always been a difference of opinion and each person is a fan of someone or the other. This has created a lot of differences among the fans and they try their best to show their love to their hero. In the process they enter or get into fights with fans of other actors and this creates a lot of problems for both the actors as well as the fans. The actors have appealed to their fans and requested them to stop this nuisance and behave like civilized Indian citizens.

Actors are taking up the social media platform to reach out to fans

The actors are making good use of social media platforms like Twitter to request their fans to stop fighting with fans with a difference of opinion. Salman Khan is the latest actor who took an initiative to stop the fights between fans of difference actors. This is a very good step that has been taken Salman Khan and other prominent actors are also taking similar steps to stop these fights and nuisance. The actors are appealing to their fans to stop using bad language and quarreling as a means to voice their opinions.Actors request fans to stop fighting with other fans

A threat of quitting Twitter

Salman Khan issued a threat to all his fans that if this nuisance continues, he will quit twitter as soon as possible. Clearly, this is something that Salman Khan hates. Any big actor like Salman will not tolerate such behavior from his fans because this shows that his fans are not civilized. The fans are always using bad words on Twitter and are making other fans get intimidated to the maximum possible extent. The threat that has been issued by Salman Khan to his fans is something that is being appreciated across the industry.

Spend time with your families

Salman Khan has urged his fans to spend more time with their friends and families rather than spending time by insulting and showing hatred towards other fans. This is a very good advice by Salman and his fans must take this advice to their heart. Spending time with yourself and your families is a better way to spend your time. Salman has just hit the right cord with such an aggressive gesture and we hope that these antics by fans end as soon as possible.

This is a very good move by the senior actors. Salman Khan is just an example. There are many other senior actors who are following the same strategy of stopping fights between fans. This is the most appropriate gesture because many things are getting out of hand. Fans are creating fake accounts and abusing each other and this had to stop at some point or the other. We just hope that this ends right now so that we will not have to deal with such behavior in future. Life is too precious to waste by showing hatred to each other and fans of other actors.