Why Rajamouli Thanked Deva Katta In Baahubali?

August 1, 2015
Why Rajamouli Thanked Deva Katta In Baahubali?

Baahubali is a film that is going very well at the box office recently. The film is reaping a huge amount of profit and receiving huge praises from friends, audience and well wishers. However, among the huge star cast, most of the audience failed to notice the name of Deva Katta in the thank you list for the film. The credits had the name of this particular personage for a very good reason.  Deva is a very intellectual director from the South Indian movie industry. The basic reason for thanking him in the credits was that he wrote a couple of dialogues for the last scene where Prabhas gives a very rousing speech. In fact, this rousing sequence was completely written and formulated by him. The climax has received a lot of appreciation from the audience and most people are thrilled with the speech as it is.Why Rajamouli Thanked Deva Katta In Baahubali?

The contribution made

Deva’s contribution to the film was very small indeed. However, Rajamouli did not forget this help rendered to him by a fellow director and dear friend. He respected the effort provided by this well known director for his film, in a thank you note given in the credits. Deva was extremely touched by this gesture on the part of the director of the film. On Twiiter very recently he is known to have expressed his surprise and happiness at being acknowledged and thanked for his efforts. It is very nice to see directors and other members of the industry get along with each other without any rivalry and hard feelings.

The Twitter update

The director tweeted very recently on twitter, about the acknowledgement he received from his fellow director. He is known to have been very modest and wrote that he had simply penned a couple of words for the final speech delivered by Prabhas in the film. The effort that he gave for the film is comparable to a dewdrop in an entire ocean. However, acknowledging that small effort with a thank you in the credits of the film showed the generous and kind heart that the director of the film really possessed. He was very touched with the entire thing and could not help but show his feelings on the social networking platform. He did not expect any rewards or acknowledgement for his role in the film and was humbled to receive one nevertheless. It is a very touching event indeed.

The skill of Deva

Deva Katta is the most well known for his intense and philosophical dialogues. Ihis scripts usually have a depth to them that cannot be found very easily anywhere else. Rajamouli incorporated this particular skill in his own film in the perfect manner. In the last sequence, where Prabhas has to give a speech, the script was written by Deva. It was a touching and highly philosophical speech that would make the audience ponders deeply over the issues addressed. Deva’s pen was used in the perfect manner here for the maximum effect and was quite successful.