Nayanthara tries to revive her career in Tollywood

August 7, 2015
Nayanthara tries to revive her career in Tollywood

There was a time not very long ago when Tollywood actress Nayanthara was leading the industry. She was among the top stars in her league and was most craved by directors for their films. She had very high charges for appearances at events as well as performances. Her name had a certain charm and aura to it that extended to her image. She was considered to be one of the most glamorous and versatile actresses of her time. However, this is a time that is long past. After this period the actress suddenly faced a rather steep decline. Nowadays, she hardly has any offers for herself.

The films considered

The actress is facing a very tough time with hardly any offers for herself. She does not have any films, endorsements or appearances to make. There was a recent rumor that she had been offered with the lead in the 150th movie of the lead actor and one of the most well-known faces of Tollywood, Chiranjeevi.  She had also been offered a role in Dictator, the new venture by Balakrishna. However, there was no further talk on these two projects. As a result these were left incomplete and did not work out much in her favor. So at the moment she has no appearances to make whether on or off screen. Her fans are quite disappointed with this fact. It looks like they would have to wait some more to see her next venture.Nayanthara tries to revive her career in Tollywood

The new project

However, things look a bit good for her fans lately. She has one project in her hand right now. It is opposite the Tollywood actor, Venkatesh. He has a couple of popular hit movies to his name. The star is quite well known in the industry right now. The film is to be directed by the director, Kranthi Madhav. He is a well known director with such films as Onamalu and Malli Malli Idi Rani Roju to his name. In fact, his films are appreciated by the audience as well as the critics of the industry. There are a lot of expectations attached to this particular film being directed by him. The audience seems to be quite excited with the cast and the crew that the film has at the moment. The rest of the judgement can only be taken at the nearest theater after the release of the film.

About the film

The film is supposed to be a very mature love story, unlike anything seen in the industry till now. There are hopes that this film will successfully restore her former position at the top back to Nayanthara. The actress is quite successful in the Kollywood industry at the moment. She has a couple of hit films charted out and is working on others as well. However, in the Tollywood industry her ranks seem to have fallen. The film is an effort to restore her former success back to her. The success of the purpose can only be decided after the release of the film.