RGV launches NTFI

August 7, 2014
RGV launches NTFI

Ram Gopal Varma and his expertise view with 25 years of film-making career

Ram Gopal Varma is one of the various tremendous director having a regular and honored image in the Telugu movie news. He is again in the news because of his amazing statement of views he made. He stated that he feels the Industry currently in the Era has become outdated and is demanding a change in it. It is not that like it is a bad thing. It is just a matter of how things are, and how they are being expected to be by the time. He also claimed that for the establishment of any new trend and its development, it is equally necessary to deconstruct the existence of the older version. Terming the OTFI, i.e. the Old Telugu Film Industry to be regressive he put forward his views for the newer one to establish with the new era of technical systems to be equipped well for the film making.

The OTFI (old Telugu film industry) and the facts in consideration

The old film making and screening which were evolved decades ago are still being in use with their pristine intact and unchanged in a very outdated manner being the claims of RGV. He further feels the OTFI to be similar to the age of the dinosaurs. After a lot has been changed with technical advancements taking into consent almost every field, the students are still taught to handle the early film making strategies and making their money and time a waste learning a technology irrelevant to the current. The industry has showed no courage crossing the line and has preferred to stay timid. But someone has to bring it back on track.RGV launches NTFI

The NTFI (new Telugu Film Industry) and its innovative implications

RGV claims that the old film industry has endowed films to be just a mere showcase of glamour endorsing just illogical trends, gimmicks and nothing to be called a serious story content. The NTFI will let every kind of stories to come in the lime light, in contradiction to the traditionally set standards of films under the shadow of OTFI casting contents of a pre fixed mindset. The foundation of the NTFI will tend to democratize the freedom to portray films of their own kind, with exemption of their own standards without any comparison to old ones. At the core of the new idea set up in to create a platform enabling “Zero Budget films with High Concepts”. The feature would help enable the industry grow with some of the real films with really well scripts to grow without the tint of glamour to succeed. It would not be the trendy outfits, makeup or astonishing scenes and cars anymore to heat up the stage. But it would be the real hard work in the best possible directions and best available new age technology to be woven within. With his amazing views he also announced the website launch of the NTFI and relevant trailers after the film to be uploaded over the YOUTUBE. Also the commercial details and the pricing for each centers would be made available online.