
Evergreen Hotness In Black

By - February 24, 2018 - 11:34 AM IST

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The lifespan of beauty and shelf life of a beautiful actress is very limited so at the most, any starlet can show that for five to eight years. Just about one or two actresses have the ability to take it to a decade and a half. One girl who seems to be getting into that rare category is the girl from Bihar and she is Neetu Chandra.

She made her debut in cinema with the movie ‘Vishnu’ in 2003 and eventually she spread her wings to Hindi, Tamil, and other languages. The commonality Neetu maintained throughout is her sex appeal and oomph factor. Though it is 15 years since she has arrived Neetu has not changed a bit when it comes to her glamour quotient.

Recently she has come up with a photo shoot which has once again dropped jaws and popped the eyes. The way she is maintaining herself has become a mystery and without 
doubt, Neetu is oozing evergreen hotness and driving the men crazy. Let us wish all this converges into few juicy offers for this hot lady.

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