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Madhushalini Questions About Algebra

In case you are seeking to find some authentic Telugu beauties in Tollywood then your memory will take you to one girl for sure. She is none other than Madhushalini and this beauty who is also an expert classical dancer is a high caliber performer. Now, this beauty has shared something which has popped a question in her Twitter account.

Apparently, Madhu came up with a picture which speaks about how Algebra has been useful. Many in life will get this doubt because ideally we don’t use much of algebra and calculus in real life. However, here is the answer. It is just to sharpen the educational system but not for practical applications in life.

For instance, we play different brain games for sharpening memory but we don’t use the same memory for solving real life problems. So, algebra is basically a brain teaser which changes the way you approach a situation. Because our people are so good in mathematics, they have become adept in learning new things and this is the real essence and objective of education.

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