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Gossip:Fans Conspiring To Kidnap Critic

You can choose any profession in the entertainment industry but if you are keen to become a critic then you must be ready to face the ire of the cine folks as well as their fans. This love-hate relationship has been strong since long and with the advent of social media, the war of words and unwanted statements is aggravating the situation.

Currently, there is a talk that the fans of a big hero are searching for a film critic to kidnap him and give him a piece of their mind. It is heard that this critic is very friendly with a senior producer cum director so the fans are waiting for the critic at the producer’s office. Incidentally, this film critic fought with two heroes blatantly.

While one hero fans gave him warning and left it there the other hero fans have decided to kidnap this critic without any warnings. At this point, this is being termed as a mere speculation and it is not sure how true all this is. But if anything untoward happens it won’t escape the public or media eye so let us wait and watch.
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